Monday, April 25, 2011

3 Months Post Op

So I am now three months post op and a few days.  :)   I went for my 3 month check up.  I have lost 67 pounds since jan. 5th.  That is pretty unbelieveable to me.  Still have a looong way to go.  Got scolded on not taking my vitamins like I should, not taking ANY iron, and low on my protien.  They did lab work for the first time - everything was normal except my iron, Vitamin D, and B1 - they were just a tad on the lower side...  :/   Uh oh.  I've got to do much much better.  I got some liquid Iron so that should help IF i can get it down...  I wore a dress to a wedding for the first time in felt so good, but I felt very self-concious, because I'm not used to wearing them anymore.  It took my buying a total of 4 dresses (they ALL fit) for me to wear that  Anyways - heres some pics.  From the left - preop night before surgery - then one month postop, two months postop, and then finally far right 3 months post op. 

Here is a picture of me and my girls - but I'm wearing a dress!  :)

Here are just the two side by side - before and now - since you can't see the ones above easily because they are so small...

Now looking at all of these "front" pics - I think I have a case of scoliosis!  Look how i'm all lopsided in everyone of these pictures...  I wonder if I compensate leaning to my right side from carrying my babies on my left hip...??  


  1. I bet you feel just amazing. You look like it!!! Good job on that hard work!!!!

  2. YAY! to my sweet friend! Im so proud and jealous all in one! Keep it up and follow your doctors orders! Jen Howell!

  3. You look great! and you have a couple of adorable little girls! Congrats on your progress so far!!
