Monday, April 25, 2011

3 Months Post Op

So I am now three months post op and a few days.  :)   I went for my 3 month check up.  I have lost 67 pounds since jan. 5th.  That is pretty unbelieveable to me.  Still have a looong way to go.  Got scolded on not taking my vitamins like I should, not taking ANY iron, and low on my protien.  They did lab work for the first time - everything was normal except my iron, Vitamin D, and B1 - they were just a tad on the lower side...  :/   Uh oh.  I've got to do much much better.  I got some liquid Iron so that should help IF i can get it down...  I wore a dress to a wedding for the first time in felt so good, but I felt very self-concious, because I'm not used to wearing them anymore.  It took my buying a total of 4 dresses (they ALL fit) for me to wear that  Anyways - heres some pics.  From the left - preop night before surgery - then one month postop, two months postop, and then finally far right 3 months post op. 

Here is a picture of me and my girls - but I'm wearing a dress!  :)

Here are just the two side by side - before and now - since you can't see the ones above easily because they are so small...

Now looking at all of these "front" pics - I think I have a case of scoliosis!  Look how i'm all lopsided in everyone of these pictures...  I wonder if I compensate leaning to my right side from carrying my babies on my left hip...??